
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Welcome Back!

Attention all band families:

We are very excited to begin the 2017-2018 school year here at MRMS and to see everyone tomorrow starting with open house. Please take a moment to review the information below and to explore the website for the appropriate information:

All Families:
- NO students will need instruments on the first couple days of school - please keep them at home!
- Refer to the information on the left side of the website pertaining to our upcoming events and mark your calendars accordingly.
- Refer to the information on the right side of the website pertaining to our Band Documents. (Booster club membership, welcome letter, supplies for band class, and charms information)
- Be sure to stop by the band room tomorrow during open house to say hello and sign in!
- Please consider linking your Harris Teeter VIC card to the Marvin Ridge Band Program (#6377 *has to be re-linked every year, and you can link to more than one organization)
- Wish list items needed for the band room: Candy and/or small prizes for class incentives, sheet protectors, tissue.

8th Grade:
- Please complete and turn in the booster membership form!
- Orlando trip information was sent via charms earlier this week. Registration for the trip will open at the conclusion of the 8th grade parent meeting on September 5th - Must be present to register.

7th Grade:
- Please complete and turn in the booster membership form!

6th Grade:
- Please complete and turn in the booster membership form!
- Please stop by the table at open house and sign in outside of the band room. 
- Student instruments will come home generally the 2nd - 3rd week of school. 
- If you are not renting an instrument through music and arts please secure a copy of our 6th grade method book "Habits of a Successful Middle School Musician" by Scott Rush - make sure you get the book that matches your child's assigned instrument CLICK HERE for more information (Percussion students will need "Mallets" & "Percussion"). These books are available online or at our local Music & Arts store.